The Creation of a Spanking Party, Part 1

My latest book, Holiday Heat: April, comes out on Monday. Pre-order it now by clicking here!

As I mentioned back on April 1, I (along with an amazing team) put on GASP, the Georgia Spanking Party. A lot of people over the past 16 months have asked me what goes into such a thing, so I figured I’d write a little bit about the process.

My original goal for AASS was to start a munch focused on spanking, to serve a community in the Atlanta area that has been traditionally underserved ever since Swatlanta closed its doors some years ago. Pre-pandemic, there was SCOATL, but it didn’t really take off, and I’m not sure why. But once munches started up again, and once I started attending spanking parties in earnest, I decided it was a good time to start a group.

I took it slow — I created a Fetlife group and started inviting people, and told them that we’d be having a munch soon. I eventually decided on July 2022 as the first munch, and I found a day that no one else in Atlanta was using for their munches. I called a few restaurants, decided on a location, and we were off. However, my ultimate stated goal was to have a national spanking party in Atlanta.

As I said in my speech at GASP, “my dream of having a spanking party I didn’t have to fly to has finally come to fruition.” I don’t mind flying (or driving long distances) to get to parties, but having one in my backyard would be amazing. I started researching what it would take, and talking to the organizers of other parties. Then it was 2023, and it was time to get started.

The first step was to decide on the right time to do the party. There are a lot of parties in the US, and that, plus the holiday calendar, meant things were rather full.

  • January: Holidays
  • February: Oasis Presidents Day
  • April: Chicago party
  • May: Frolicon
  • June: TASSP
  • July: Holidays
  • August/September: Oasis Labor Day
  • October: Chicago party
  • November: Lone Star
  • December: Holidays

One month is missing from that list: March. Yes, it’s a tight squeeze between Oasis Presidents Day and the April Chicago party, but I was hopeful that I could attract folks from the southeast who might not want to go as far as Vegas or Chicago — folks who could drive in. So I settled on March 2024, and then picked a convenient weekend. I didn’t want to do it on Easter weekend — Easter is a pretty important holiday to those who celebrate/observe it — so that meant the final weekend in March was out. I didn’t want to do it too soon, because I wanted at least a month between Oasis and my party. That left March 21-24, 2024.

Oh, and I also had to come up with a name. I wanted something clever, something easy to say, something catchy. I had, when I lived in Sandy Springs (a suburb of Atlanta), thought about creating a munch called SASSY — the Sandy Springs Spankers (something starting with Y) — but it never worked out for me, for various reasons. I thought about TASSP (the Texas All-State Spanking Party) and Lone Star (which sometimes goes by LSSP), and started considering ways to work in the SP. GA is the two-letter state code for Georgia, so… GASP. I ran it by some friends and partners, and everyone thought it was a great idea, and thus GASP was born.

Of course, just coming up with a name and a weekend is the first step. The next one was the big one: finding a hotel. I’ll talk more about that next week.

The GASP (Georgia Spanking Party) logo.

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